Nursing Care Plans

Nursing Care Plans 1

Observe the client’s usual coping mechanisms during times of extreme stress and reinforce their use in the current turmoil. Clients are in surprise during acute stage, and their own value system must be looked at. Clients offer better with change as time passes. Acknowledge denial, anger, or depression as normal emotions when adjusting to changes in body and lifestyle.

Changes in body image cause nervousness. People in this situation use a variety of unconscious coping mechanisms to deal with their altered body image (ABI). The body’s defense mechanism is normal, unless these are used so much that they hinder than improve self-esteem rather. Identify clients in danger for body image disturbance (e.g., body builders, cancers survivors).

The results of 1 study suggest that male body builders are in risk for body image disturbance and the associated mental characteristics which have been commonly reported among eating disorder patients. These emotional characteristics also may actually anticipate steroid use in this group of men. Steroid users reported an increased drive to put up muscle mass in the form of bulk.

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  • 3 years back from Alberta, Canada
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Clients shouldn’t be rushed into writing their feelings. Feelings associated with complicated and psychologically powerful issues concerning a modified body image take time to sort out and express. Do not ask clients to explore emotions unless a need has been indicated by them to do so. Patients reported keeping their emotions to themselves as a used coping strategy frequently. Explore strengths and resources with client. Discuss possible changes in hair and weight reduction; decide on a wig before hair loss occurs. Emphasizing strengths encourage a positive self-image.

Planning for an event such as hair loss helps to reduce the anxiety associated with a sudden change in appearance. Encourage client to buy clothes that are attractive and that de-emphasize their impairment. Individuals with osteoporosis aren’t usually disabled but may understand themselves as unattractive and experience cultural isolation because of this of ill-fitting clothes that accentuate the physical changes.

Allow client yet others gradual exposure to the body change. Start by having the client touch the affected area; then use a reflection to check out it. Visit a hospital shop with a nurse or support person and discuss feelings associated with the result of others to the body change.

Part of the treatment process is graded exposure-the customer moves from a safeguarded for an unprotected environment with the support of the nurse. Encourage the customer to discuss interpersonal and social issues that may occur. A good notion of body image is achieved within a supportive public framework best. Clients with an active social support network will probably make better progress.